Grade Within the Gradebook

  • Updated

Objective: Learn to grade assignments within the Canvas gradebook.

Related Articles: Grade assignments using SpeedGrader


How-To Guide - Cloud Canvas View

  • Select Courses on the left hand side in the global navigation, then select All Courses.

    • If you're an admin, make sure you have selected the correct school
      and course within that school.
  • Select the course you want to work in. 


  • Select the Grades Tab


  • Scroll to the assignment you wish to grade.
  • Select the dash within the box for the student's assignment you wish to grade.
  • Enter a grade, and press enter or select a new box
  • Select the box with an arrow icon next to the scoring area ff you have comments or flags to add.


Note: In this window you have the option to enter a status of late, missing, or excused, if applicable. You also have the option in this window to enter comments, select a the previous or next assignment or student, or open SpeedGrader.  


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