Add Holidays and Blackout Dates to Canvas

  • Updated

Objective: Learn to add holidays to your Canvas instance.

Notes: Adding holidays and non-school days to the LMS will add them to teacher and student calendars. If holidays are added before classes are created, those dates will be avoided as due dates for assignments.

If due dates are added after a course is created, teachers may need to adjust assignment due dates in their courses.

Related Article: Distribute due dates within a course


How-To Guide

  • Select Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.

Click Admin and School.png

Select the Account Settings tab.

Click Account Settings.png

  • Select the calendar icon in the School Holidays section at the top and select the date.
    The entered date will appear under School Holidays.

Click to Add Holidays .png

NOTE: Do NOT Select Apply to All Courses after you have added all holiday and blackout dates as dates are automatically saved. The Apply to All Courses button relates to Passing Thresholds only. 


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