Objective: Learn to edit passing threshold settings in Canvas.
Notes: Passing Threshold allows schools to set a minimum percentage that must be reached on assignments and/or exams. Editing the Passing Threshold settings in the LMS will set a school-wide Passing Threshold for all assignments and/or exams in all courses.
Please note that because the Passing Threshold applies to all assignments and/or exams, students will not be allowed to progress past teacher-graded items until the teacher enters those grades in the gradebook.
Caution: Only courses created after the Passing Threshold is set will automatically adopt the Passing Threshold.
How-To Guide
- Select Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.
- Select the Account Settings tab.
- Scroll to Passing Threshold Settings.
- Select the + next to Assignment Passing Threshold or Exam Passing Threshold. Then, type in the minimum percentage you will require students to reach.
- Checking enable teachers to set minimum score thresholds, will allow teachers to adjust the minimum percentages for their courses prior to the course start date.
- Checking allow passing threshold adjustments once the first student starts a course, will allow teachers to adjust the passing threshold percentages in their courses after the course start date.
- Checking prevent teachers from adjusting passing thresholds at the unit level, will keep teachers from editing the minimum percentage for individual assignments and exams under the Modules tab in a course after the course start date.
- Select Update Settings.