Add Zoom, Or Any Link to Course Navigation

  • Updated

Objective: Learn how to add a link, like a Zoom link, to your course navigation.

Notes: Using the Redirect app, you can easily add any link to your Canvas course navigation.This can be enabled at a course level without any administrator integrations.

Related Article: Create a Custom Page


How-To Guide

  • Select a course from the dashboard


  • Select settings from the course navigation.


  • Select the Apps tab.


  • Type "Redirect" into the search field. Then, select the blue arrow icon


  • Select the + Add App button.

+ Add App.png

  • Type In the title you wish to appear in the course navigation and the link URL into the indicated fields. Select the box that says "Show in Course Navigation. Then, select Add App.

Add App.png

  • Reload your page. You should now see the title appearing in your navigation. 

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