Breaking Semester Courses into Quarters

  • Updated

Learn how to create quarters out of semester long courses and determine which application best fits your school's needs. 

Notes: There are two ways to create quarters for your courses depending on needs. Please determine your needs and review the whole article prior to employing a strategy. 

Related Article: Copy a Course in Canvas


How-To Guide Option 1: Copy an Entire Course and Remove the Content You Don't Need.

NOTE: This option is best for schools or that use weighted categories like Checkpoints, Workbooks, and Unit Exams. This option retains the categories and their weights. See below for an important note on deleting unwanted assignments. Option 1 is more manual than option 2.


  • Select the Admin icon in the Global Navigation.

Admin icon.png

  • Search and choose the course you would like to break into quarters.

search blueprint course.png

  • Select Settings.


  • Select Copy this Course.

Copy this Course.png

  • Name Your course.
  • Select the All Content button.
  • Select the Copy Course Settings Box. Then, select Create Course.

Copy COurse.png

  • You will get a window alerting you the progress of your course copy.

Course copying indicator.png

  • Navigate Back to the Admin portal and select your new course copy.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 11.37.13 AM.png

  • View the number of modules for your course and determine if you will be deleting the first half (Quarter 1) or the second half (Quarter 2).
  • NOTE: In this example I have 12 Modules and I will be deleting the second half (modules 7-12) to leave my first quarter remaining. 


  • Select the Assignments tab. 
  • NOTE: Assignments within graded categories MUST be deleted from the Assignments page, NOT the Modules page to be properly removed. 

Choose Assignments.png

  • Open any collapsed categories.
  • You will be able to see the unit that each assignment is aligned to underneath the assignment title. 

View unit.png

  • Select the three vertical dots to the right of the assignment titles that you want to remove. Then, select Delete and confirm.

delete an assignment.png

  • Repeat this step for all unneeded assignments. 
  • NOTE: Once you have deleted all unneeded graded assignments, check the assignment weights to ensure only categories with assignments remaining will count toward the total and adjust as needed.

adjust assignment weights.png

  • Select the Modules tab in navigation.
  • NOTE: Assignments without points, like direct instruction assignments will remain visible to students in the unneeded modules until they are unpublished or deleted entirely. Unpublishing modules will keep them visible to teachers but not to students. Deleting rather than unpublishing is recommended. 
    • To unpublish unneeded modules and assignments, select the green checkmark to the right of the title. Then, select Unpublish Module and All Assignments.

uppublish all.png 

    •  To delete unneeded modules and assignments, select the three vertical dots to the right of the title. Then, select Delete.

delete module.png

  • Repeat all steps for the remaining quarter.


How-To Guide Option 2: Copy Only the Content That Will Make Up That Quarter.

NOTE: This option is best for schools that created their own categories or weights, or choose not to weight/categorize their assignments. It allows you to pull only the assignments you need. You can use this option and recreate and distribute categories with a small amount of manual effort.


  • Select the Admin icon in the Global Navigation.

Admin icon.png

  • Search and choose the course you would like to break into quarters.

search blueprint course.png

  • Select Settings.


  • Select Copy this Course.

Copy this Course.png

  • Name Your course.
  • Select the Select Specific Content button. Then, select Create Course.

Select SPecific content.png

  • Select the Select Content Button.

Select Content.png

  • Open the Modules section. Then, deselect unwanted modules. 
  • Select the Select Content button.

Deselect Unwanted modules.png

  • You will get a window alerting you the progress of your course copy.

Course copying indicator.png

  • Navigate Back to the Admin portal and select your new course copy.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 11.59.03 AM.png

  • Select the Assignments tab. 

Choose Assignments.png

  • NOTE: Your assignments will be listed under an Imported Assignments category. If you don't want to weight your assignments, you are now done. 🎉 Repeat the previous steps for the next quarter. 

Imported Assignments.png

  • NOTE: If You wish to move imported assignments into weighted groups, follow the remaining steps.
  • To add an assignment group, select + Group.


  • Title and weight your group. Remember that all group weights must total 100%.
  • Add additional groups until you have them as desired. 

Add an assignment group.png

  • Move assignments from Imported Assignments to your created Assignment Groups. 
  • Select the 3 vertical dots to the right of the assignment title. Then, choose the assignment group and select Move.
  • Assignments can also be dragged and dropped by selecting the double set of vertical dots to the far left of the assignment title to move.

move assignment.png

  • Once all assignments have been moved to their respective groups, your course is ready for student work.

Assignment Groups Gif.gif

  • Repeat the previous steps for remaining quarters. 


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