Activity/Assessment Title Truncation

  • Updated

Understand the functionality of title truncation for StrongMind authored courses.

Notes:Truncation is only available for StrongMind-authored courses delivered on Canvas. Third-party vendor courses and other LMSs are not supported by truncation.


Some customers who leverage Canvas/Instructure-supported integrations with their student information system (SIS), including grade pass back, may experience assignment failures during grade pass back due to SIS-related character limitations of graded assignment titles.  StrongMind developed the truncation feature to limit the gradable activity titles within Canvas courses to fifty characters, upon request.  The truncation of the titles occurs within the cartridge at the time of course delivery to your LMS.


Truncation is only available for StrongMind-authored courses delivered on Canvas.  Third-party vendor courses and other LMSs are not supported by truncation.  If there are third-party course vendor assignment names that exceed 50 titles, teachers can adjust the titles directly within the course.


Please communicate the need for this functionality with your Customer Success Manager prior to courses being delivered to your Canvas instance.  Your Customer Service Manager will coordinate with the StrongMind Operations Team for custom course delivery. 

User Experience: When the truncation functionality is enabled, all gradable assignment titles are shortened to meet the fifty-character requirement and will display an ellipsis (…) after the shortened title in the grade book and in the activity/assessment title.  Please note, the content titles that are not gradable will not be shortened.

  • Important Notes for Schools:
    • Schools should look through the shortened course titles and edit them if they feel a change is needed. They can do this by selecting the vertical 3 dots beside the activity title and selecting edit.
    • Grade passback for some Student Information Systems (SISs), including PowerSchool, will not work if there is a duplicate title. Schools should check to ensure that there are no duplicate titles. One unique character difference is all that is needed to ensure the grade passback will be successful.


Here are screen views that demonstrate the shortened titles with the ellipses:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Why do some content and assessment pages not have the full title on it?
    • If it is a standalone assessment (checkpoint or exam) or discussion board, the page will not have the full title. It will only show the truncated title. In most cases, the students and teachers will have the context from the learning path to avoid confusion.






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