Objective: Determine the best version of the Custom Placement LTI for your organnization.
Notes: There are two available versions of the Custom Placement LTI. The newest version was auto updated. If your organization wishes to roll back to the original version, please reach out to your CSM with that request.
When changes are made in Canvas to a course(s) structure, please allow at least one hour to pass before attempting Custom Placement. Course structures are cached every hour and the system will only 'save' these changes once per hour. Any custom placements attempted within an hour after a new structure is made will be using the 'old' structure as reference in the backend until these updates flow through.
Related Article: Add Students to a Course in Progress with the Custom Placement Tool
Pros and Cons of Each Version:
The original version of CP:
Pros: allows for course customizations like unpublished lessons and units, using the locked content feature, and resequencing assignments to your preference. All graded content is auto excused in the grade book.
Cons: Students will need to click through each view only item preceding the Custom Placement location.
The New Version of CP:
Pros: Students will no longer need to click through anything - they land exactly where they are placed.
Cons: Teachers using this version cannot customize the majority of the course features. Please view Additional Requirements (below) to better understand which customizations are affected and how.
Additional Requirements for the New Version of CP:
- The student getting custom placed should already have accepted the invite to the course.
- Keeping the Getting Started Module is required. It must have "Getting Started With Your Course" as the exact title with no edits/customizations.
- The GS module and module item must be published.
- The GS module must be first published module in the course.(Unpublished modules don’t count)
- Modules that need to be excused must have a completion requirement. (Example Below)
- Modules must have pre-requisites that are published.
- Each module must have a sequencing prerequisite and requirement set. (Example Shown Below: Module 2 sequence must show a completion requirement that assignments must be completed in order AND show the preceding Module - Module 1 as the prerequisite)
- Module pre-requisites are ordered top to bottom.
- Course must already published and started.