Delete attendance using the StrongMind Web App

  • In this article, we will show you how to delete submitted student attendance using the StrongMind Web App


Please use caution when deleting attendance. Deleting attendance means attendance entered for that day or course will no longer be available for any user (staff, student, parent or guardian) to view or edit. Only delete attendance if no attendance record should be available for that day or course for a particular student.

  1. Login to the StrongMind Web App here.
  2. Click the Calendar icon.

  3. Search for a student.
    Then click on the student
    whose attendance you want to edit.


    Click the down arrow
    to select the week you want to delete attendance for.


    Then select the week.

  4. Then you will see all attendance for the selected week.
    Click the down arrow 
    next to the day you want to delete attendance for


    You will see a log of all edits made to attendance for that day. 
    Click Delete.


    Then click Delete
    to confirm.



    Then you will see the attendance for that day has been deleted. The total attendance for that day will subtract from the total attendance for the week.


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