Act As User

  • Updated

Objective: Learn how to act as a user in the LMS. 

Notes: In order to be able to act as a user, you must have an Admin account role in the LMS that allows for acting as a user. 

Related Article: Act as a student, Account roles in the LMS

Caution: Please use caution. Any actions taken while acting as that user (progressing through lessons, submitting assignments, page views, etc) will be logged as if that user had performed them.



How-To Guide

  • Select Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.

  • Select the People tab.Click_People.png
  • Type in the user's name you are looking for. Select the user's name to go to their profile. Type_User_s_Name_in_People.png 
  • Select Act as User.Click_Act_As_User.png


  • Caution: Please use caution. Any actions taken while acting as that user (progressing through lessons, submitting assignments, page views, etc) will be logged as if that user had performed them.

  • Select Proceed. Act_as_User_Warning.png
  • You can stop acting as the user by selecting Stop Acting as User.Acting_as_the_User_Screen_.png

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