Objective: Learn to associate a blueprint course on a StrongMind procured instance of Canvas using the Course Settings LTI.
Notes: This guide is intended for administrators on SM provided Canvas. For help associating courses on an instance of Canvas that was not provided by StrongMind, view the related article below.
Related Article: Associating Courses for Customers on their own Canvas
How-To Guide
Select Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.
Select Courses in the navigation section. Select the box labeled "Show only blueprint courses." Then, type the name of the course you are looking for in the search box.
- Select the course you want to work in.
- Scroll down, and select the Course Settings option in the navigation bar on the left hand side.
- Select the button labeled Create Associated Courses.
- Type in the information needed for the setting up the course, and then select "Submit Associated Courses."
- To check on the courses syncing process for creating the associated course, select the blue tab in the left hand corner of the screen.
- A progress bar will appear, and indicate where the processing is at with associating the course.
When the course has been associated, select the Associations option in the blue tab.
- When you select the associations option in the blue tab it will show all associated courses.
- To verify that the course is in Canvas, click Admin on the left hand side, then select a school.
- Select Courses in the navigation section.
- Type the name of the associated course in the search box. Your course should appear.