*NEW!* How to Create and Assign Alternative Assessments

  • Updated

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Objective: Learn how to create modified / alternative assessments.

Notes: Modified assessments leverage Learnosity functionality and are a wonderful opportunity to provide students with a more personalized experience. Assessments can be copied and changed for all, a few, or just one student. Using email addresses, you can opt to use multiple assessment versions for each assignment or just one, and data is differentiated and scores pushed to the gradebook even if one assessment has more or fewer questions than another. 

Alternative assessments can only be copied for Learnosity items. A small number of assessments contain third-party items (such as KDS or CenterPoint), for these assessments the "Copy" button will be greyed out to prevent unauthorized duplication. Additionally, when hovering over the greyed-out button, a message will display: "This assessment cannot be duplicated."

Related Article:  Add Users to a Course


How-To Create an Alternative Assessment

  • Select a course from the dashboard

Choose course.png

  • Select a graded assignment from the modules or assignments.


  • Scroll to the embedded Learnosity assessment space.

learnoisty area.png

  • Select the Assessment Tab. 


  • Select Copy.

copy assessments.png

  • Type In a title for the alternative assessment.

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  • Navigate to your alternative assessment using the dropdown menu. Then, scroll down to the questions. 
  • You can add or delete questions, edit the wording of a question, add or remove answer choices, or update settings. 

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How-To Assign an Alternative Assessment

To Assign to an individual or group of students:

  • Scroll below the alternative assessment questions to the Assign To field. Then, enter in the email addresses associated to the students you wish to assign the assessment to. 

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*COMING SOON* To Assign to whole class or remainder of class if certain students have already been assigned a different alternative assessment:

  • Scroll below the alternative assessment questions to the Assign To field. Then, check the box marked Assign to All Students. (Note: you can undo this assignment, but if you plan to assign one or more students to a different version of the alternative assessment, do that before assigning the whole class. Once a student is assigned an alternative assessment, they will be excluded from the whole group option.)

assign to all students.png

  • Reminder: To view student emails, access the People tab in the course navigation. 
  • You can view assigned students under that heading. You can remove students from an assessment by selecting the x next to the email address in the Assigned Students section. 
  • Alternative assessment data will be visible in the embedded Learnosity window. 

Frequently Asked Questions for Alternative Assessments

Q: Can I delete an assessment copy once it's created?

A:  At this time, there is no way to remove an assessment copy, however, only assessments assigned to students will be visible. 

Q: If I delete an email and remove that student from an alternative assessment after they have taken it, will their assessment data also be removed?

A: If you remove a student email after they have completed an assessment, the data associated to it will remain. Teachers can manually adjust grades in the Speedgrader tool as needed.  

Q: Are Alternative Assessments available on Schoology or Buzz LMS's?

A: Presently Alternative Assessments are only released within the Canvas platform, though QA discovery efforts are underway to determine opportunities to expand those offerings. 

Q: Can I bulk assign an alternative assessment to the whole class?

A: Almost! Our new release coming soon will allow you to bulk assign to the class by selecting "Assign to All Students." Stay tuned for that announcement!

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